You have 14 days to cancel your purchase. You opportunity to cancel expires 14 days after you receive your product or receive the last product; in case you have ordered several products in one order that we ship to you separately.
You must inform us within 14 days that you wish to cancel your purchase. When you cancel we ask you to inform us by email at In your cancellation you must clearly inform us that you wish to use your right to cancel the order. You cannot cancel your purchase by refusing to receive your product without clearly informing us.
You must return your order to us without any needless delay and at the latest 14 days after informing us that you wish to cancel your order. You must pay the shipping expenses for returning the product. You bear the risk for the product from the time you received the product and until it arrives back at our warehouse.
Missing or damaged original packaging may result in decreased product value, so to insure that you receive the full price of the product back, it is recommended that the item be returned in its original packaging.
Shipping costs will not be refunded using the right of cancellation, only on complaints. Note! We do not accept packages sent by COD or likewise.
If the item was purchased using a credit card, any refund is required to be issued to that same credit card.
If you cancel your purchase, you must ship the product to:
First lager Kildebrøndevej 44,
2670 Greve, Danmark
When you buy at you have 24 months of warranty. This means that you can have your product repaired, exchanged, payment returned or get a decrease in price depending on the specific circumstances.
It is a requirement that the warranty is justified, and that the defect is not caused by improper use of the product or any other injurious behavior, condition, due to lack of or incorrect maintenance, and improper installation.
We would like to inform you that color and texture variations may occur in items made of natural materials such as wood. Solid wood can vary in expression, and there may be differences in both pattern, color, and structure.
For all complaints, please send an email to with the following information’s:
- Order number
- Attach 3 – 5 images close-ups and overview images of the error.
- Description of the problem and when it occurred.
Remember to wrap the product safely for shipping, and to get a receipt for your shipping so we can return the cost of the shipping to you.
You bear the risk for the product from the time you received the product.
Directly after you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation e-mail including the terms and conditions for your order. In the event of an item is temporarily out of stock, you will be notified of the delay and the item will be dispatched to you as soon as it becomes available.
Items will not be charged until the actual day of its dispatch. We won’t charge your credit card until your purchase has been sent.
All prices are listed including Danish VAT.
We deliver within 1-4 business days in Denmark
The furniture are delivered only to the nearest sidewalk. The driver is not obliged to help carry the furniture in.
When you receive your goods you should check the packaging very carefully for any damage that may have affected the product itself.
If you observe any possible sign for damages it needs to be stated on the consignment note you sign with the driver who brings the delivery.
Delivery in Denmark
GLS shop delivery: 1-3 business days
DSV delivery: 2-4 business days
Delivery outside Denmark
GLS shop
When you put in your address, your shipping price will show.
Ordering and payment MUST be made via the website.
The goods can be picked up Monday to Thursday from 7-16.00 – Friday 7-15.30. Saturday & Sunday it is closed.
The address is:
First lager Att: KAS Kopenhagen
Kildebrøndevej 44, 2670 Greve